Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Definition of Cool

This post is dedicated to my fellow bloggers Daine and LA. Hope you ladies enjoy!

* It says "Dying to Come Out" underneath Jake... Thoughts?

If a person were to look up the definition of the word cool in the dictionary, one would find these four pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal.


Diane said...

Nice! thanks, Ryan . . . and when are you going to post something about Dr. David?

Ryan said...

Right now he is pissing me off. We went out the other day and half of the converstation was about his ex. He has pulled this before, so I finally gave him an ultimatum, he needs to choose. Either me or his ex.

Prunella Jones said...

Uh-oh ex-obsession is not good.

Jake is also the definition of the word "yummy."

PixieGaf said...

Ryan you lucky devil are you really going out with a doctor? Why are all the hot, educated guys gay?

prettykitty said...

oh no, not the ex. you're just the rebound. get out while you can.

ps jake looks hot in that bottom pic or i'm desperate for some man love.

Diane said...

how recent is the relationship with the ex?

Ryan said...

It has been over for 6 months but they are still in contact.

LA said...

Thanks for the dedication, Ryan. I love me some Jake, and he looks postiively yummy here.

Lots of "ex talk" is definitely a deal-breaker for me. Proceed with caution.

p.s. Did Grey's make you cry last night? It was actually a little less bad than I thought it was going to be. I cracked up at the "fart scene."

honkeie said...

But if you look up his name in the thesaurus you would find words like, 'inthecloset' 'toogay' and 'manrape'

v said...

Not sure if this comment will get posted.

Anyway, as a hetero dude I'd rather look at the "overrated" Beyonce. But I gotta admit, this Jake guy is a looker.

And probably gay. Hah.

Pope-rah said...

I'm quivering.