Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2 Days and Counting...

* This started out as a good idea... now I am so over it.

"If we sleep together
Will you like me better
If we come together
We'll go down forever
If we sleep together
Will I like you better
If we come together
Prove it now or never"

I totally forgot in my previous posts to ask you all if you knew the titles of the songs that I have been posting over the past week. I would be impressed if you knew, without google searching the lyrics.

Note: None of the lyrics posted in my Countdown are Justin Timberlake/NSYNC songs.


LA said...

Ryan - Sorry, I don't know any lyrics to Justin's songs (except Dick in a Box).

Anyway, here's some scoop on Grey's and B&S:

Ryan said...

LA - None of the lyrics I have posted are Justin's!

Ryan said...


"Also, two former flames will resurface in February, one of whom I thought we'd never see again."

I hope one of the flames is Scotty! I really liked his character.

Pope-rah said...

Whoo-hoo! We don't get to see him until March so you have to dish some details!

Diane said...

come to mama

prettykitty said...

where are you seeing him? i hope it's a big enough venue to hold him, his fans and his dick in a box.

Ryan said...

PK- Sacramento. If there is not enough room in Arco Arena, he and his dick in a box can stay at my place!

Anonymous said...

That SNL skit is high-larious. I can't say I'm not jealous of the tang this bastard gets ... but I must say he is somewhat talented. I mean his SNL eps are insanely funny.

prettykitty said...

ryan, i'm gonna check the news in sacramento to see if one of justin's fans spontaneously combusted with anticipation!