Wednesday, November 01, 2006



Sen. Hillary Clinton, speaking at a Kingston campaign stop this morning, joined the chorus of Democrats criticizing Sen. John Kerry for what the former presidential candidate has called a joke gone awry. "What Sen. Kerry said was inappropriate," she said.

Bullshit, that was no joke! What an idoit, trying to backpedal out of this one! I listened to the audio both on the radio and on television. He needs to shut his god damn mouth and get the hell off the political stage. I understand where Kerry is coming from, but this kind orhetoricic could hurt the Democrats chances in the run up to the election. Even though I hate all career politicians, Democrats and Republics alike, I have to give props to those Democrats criticizing Kerry.


LA said...

OMG, it actually took me a minute to figure out what it said. Those guys obviously graduated high school during the Bush years.

PixieGaf said...

Is our children learning? Judging by the sign I think not.

joy said...

Damn you Kerry, Jack-ass! I love Hillary I donated to that bitches campaign and will do it again for President.

Diane said...

Kerry - open mouth insert foot. It was a stupid thing to say, but the truth is many young people join up because they have little educational and occupational opportunities.