Monday, April 02, 2007

Oddly Attractive

Oh Adrien Brody, why you so oddly attractive?


EditThis said...

I'm right there with you on this one, Ryan.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

I find him to be very... angular. And yet, smokin' hot.

Diane said...

It's unanimous!

GetFlix said...

He's a great actor.

LA said...

He's scorching. I'd hit that without a moment's hesitation.

v said...

They totally photoshop'd my body for the second pic. Man, I need to file a lawsuit or something.

Prunella Jones said...

I like his scrawny Iggy Pop-ish bod.

Terrible lie said...

Really? You think he is hott? Well I guess we all have different taste but honey..You could do better hahhahaha

prettykitty said...

i fell in love with him after i saw "dummy." seriously, dude, rent it and get back to me.

PixieGaf said...

He is FINE!

honkeie said...

I dont know.....its like finding a puppy that is soo ugly he is adorable and you kinda have to love it.