Friday, March 09, 2007
My Name is Ryan and I'm a Meth Head
I am suffering from the first, of which I am sure will be many, sinus headaches. I suffer from severe allergies and now that the spring has sprung I am starting to feel the wrath that is MOTHER NATURE. She sure can be a fucking bitch. So I drive to the drug store for some Actifed: Cold and Allergy. I go to the cold and allergy section of Long's Drug Store and it says that I have to go to the Pharmacist and obtain the Actifed from them. Why make cold and allergy sufferers, well, suffer? Because pseudoephedrine is a key ingredient in crystal meth. Apparently people are buying up crates full of these OTC medications to make meth at home. Thanks to all of the meth heads in the USA, I am now treated like a criminal when I have to purchase allergy medication. In California, drug stores have to keep the allergy medications behind the counter due to the increased theft of these medications. When I bought the medication, I was only allowed to buy 1 box and I had to sign a something that goes supposedly goes into a registry. I guess that they monitor how much allergy medication people are purchasing. After all the hoops I had to jump through, I finally was able to get a little relief. While driving home from the drug store, the AM news station in Sacramento ran a story on the upcoming allergy season. Sacramento has been ranked the nation’s third worst city for allergies by various pharmaceutical companies.
Here is a beautiful picture of a rose from my backyard. I know that Diane and LA are flower people, so if you gals know the type of rose this is, please let a brotha know. Even looking at this picture makes me wanna sneeze. Psychosomatic much Ryan?
Ryan - It's a pink rose. ;)
Seriously, dude, I'm sorry to hear spring is so rough on your sinuses and that pharmacists are looking at allergy sufferers with a jaundiced eye. That blows hard.
Very nice picture, BTW, I can actually see how velvety soft the petals are, and the color pops beautifully.
That is a great photo! I can't offer any more info than la, though. I, too, suffer from sinus headaches, and have to deal with the ridiculous regulations they now place on the sale of a box of OTC medicine. I have been using Flonase for the past few months and it has reduced the frequency and severity of the headaches.
Cool new template. Cool rose pic, too.
Sorry to hear about the allergy problems and the OTC med problem. But I think the pharmacist reads your blog and your About Me quote.
Funny post as usual Ryan.
I feel your pain with the allergies. I get both sinus AND stress headaches (apparently, I grind my teeth). Sometimes, I actually have to take a narcotic to get rid of them. It sucks. (Except I REALLY like narcotics!) I went through the same thing trying to buy cold medicine last year.
Who doesn't like narcotics?!?
screw the flonase - I want narcotics
Is this the line to join to get narcotics?
Allergies blow...literally. You have my sympathy. I get them too. ugh.
I fee your mocos.
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