Consistent with their past behavior, this week our members of Congress in Washington, D.C. displayed a healthy dose of self-importance when day after day they debated and decried the firing of eight federal prosecutors by the Bush administration. Don't get me wrong - the whole thing stinks of the foul odor of a Karl Rove hatchet job. Does anyone really believe this is not the work of Rove? Of course not. Rove and his political handiwork may become as much of the George W. Bush legacy as the invasion of Iraq. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appears to be Rove's latest pawn. This episode only confirms that Gonzales is simply in over his head - a conclusion drawn by many from the time the man took over as Attorney General.
But the fixation on this debacle - are you kidding me? Give me a break. Yep, it was political. Yep, Rove was the mastermind. And yep, that's how this White House works. Now please move on. We've got some real work to do boys and girls in Washington so please roll up your sleeves and stop this nonsense.
More than 3,200 young men and women have died in what is now a civil war in Iraq and most Americans want our troops out of their now. As in right now. So far the Democrats who promised voters in November they would take action, get right on it, and do whatever it takes to get our troops home have proven just one thing - they're inept and futile when it comes to delivering on their promise. The Democrats are just flat-out not getting it done.
Our cars burn more gasoline now than they did 30 years ago. Americans twist and turn in the wind every time OPEC jacks up the price of oil. Vulnerable doesn't even begin to describe America's position when it comes to energy.
Where's the sense of urgency? How about a bold, new, real energy initiative instead of the usual hype we hear in the annual State of the Union speech? Here's a thought: instead of holding hearings on what lie Karl Rove told or didn't tell or doesn't recall maybe we could hold hearings on how we can most rapidly produce cleaner, greener burning fuels. Just a thought.
Immigration, crumbling schools, a mounting trade deficit, the erosion of good paying jobs for working Americans, global warming and the out-of-whack federal budget. This is all serious stuff. It requires serious, mature and immediate action. You think that'll happen in the halls of Congress or in the White House anytime soon. Probably not. Ya see, they're really busy these days investigating and debating the devious doings of Karl Rove. What a joke. What a waste.
What would you have the Dems do differently? Their attempts to set a deadline for withdrawal etc., are turned aside by the GOP and by Bush's power to veto. Is the firing of prosecutors the biggest political crime of all time? No, just like the Abramoff scandal and that pervert in Florida also were not - but they lead to the loss of Congress by the GOP and if this latest debacle can be used to get rid of Gonzalez and Rove, than it will have accomplished alot and at least in part, cleared the path for democracy to return to the USA.
I'm not sure there CAN be any urgency in our government with the Democrats and the Republicans trying to undermine each other at every turn. They spend more time doing that than actually trying to accomplish anything.
Empires crumble
our captain will narcotize
the masses with silly blather
Oceania is adrift
the rats are in the cage
our hearts beat on and on
like tiny fractals.
PS I agree with you.
My view is similar to Diane's, Ryan. While I agree that there are plenty of serious issues that need to be addressed, I also think that the pure, vile corruption of the current administration needs to be fleshed out before our government will start functioning again. Democracy has been in crisis under this despotic administration. I don't blame the Dems for that.
What I would love to see in this country is the emergence of a viable 3rd party to combat the two parties that control our government. I just get so fed up with all of these politicians, elected and appointed, bickering and fighting, never really getting anything accomplished. Bipartisanship has been in a steep decline since the mid 1990's with Clinton and the Contract with America Republicans all the way up to present day. It makes me sick. It really seems like it doesn’t matter who is in control, Democrats or Republicans, because they are both totally corrupt. There are players on both sides that are equally corrupt, so I don’t want to hear that so-and-so is worse than that so-and-so. THEY ARE ALL BAD!!!
I really am drunk right now and can’t believe that I posted a comment. I am not sure if it makes sense, but oh well.
Does anybody know of any good Libertarian blogs on the Internet? As a registered Libertarian I have been at a loss trying to find like-minded individuals. If anyone is aware of and blogs or bloggers let me know!
I read through your post and honestly, I don't know enough about the situations to post an intelligent comment. You want a good debate on the current Canadian political situation, you're on.
It seems to me as if every week we have a new scandal. Each weeks in some way outdoing the previous. What I find most interesting is that no one is ever held accountable for anything. Most often it is blamed on newspapers, magazines and desperately random airwaves.
As far as the Iraq situation, why did we go there again?
ryan - can you maybe do a search on blogger for those blogs that list the libertarian party as an interest/affiliation? And I do agree that the 2 party system does a disservice to the country, and it would be in all of our best interests to see some independents, libertarians, and green party candidates elected. But for now, I just want to see the GOP's power cut back - I truly believe they have lead us down a very dangerous path in many respects - personal liberties, government intrusions, the War, the deficit, to name a few, and it is time for the pendulum to take a swing back in the other direction
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