Sunday, October 01, 2006

I am a Bowl Full of Wrong

Here I am on Friday night, drunk out of my mind and hamming it up for the camera. Sorry to those of you who I drunk dialed. The only thing I hate about being drunk is that my friend, Mr. Wonky Eye, makes an appearance. This picture is very sexy! I should set this picture as the default picture on my proflie. Boys will be knocking down the doors to get to THIS.


PixieGaf said...

LOL! I think you look charming and very drunk.

Diane said...

And I'd add, cute and friendly!

LA said...

You look happy, Ryan! I think it's funny you drunk-dialed!

joy said...


prettykitty said...

you don't even look drunk to me. just a bad case of allergies? now LA has some pictures of being drunk...