Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Love is Blind


Diane said...

He's gay, no he's dead, no he's blind . . . ummm in our next story . . .

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Um, wow. Apparently live TV doesn't work well for that woman.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Gay? Blind? What's the difference. Though if gay guys are blind, why do most of them dress so well?!

I hope you had a happy Xmas Ryan. And I hope you have a wonderful New Year's!

Anonymous said...

Oh the poor lady.

Happy New Year:)

LA said...

She's in New Mexico. I was guessing Texas which is only next door. Same neighborhood.


LA said...

Turns out, my instinct was right.

PixieGaf said...

Happy New Year Ryan!

Diane said...

Happy New Year, Ryan!

prettykitty said...

that is hilarious. one of those true WTF? moments.

happy new year everybody!