Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sacramento's Boston Tea Party
Sunday, December 16, 2007 marks the Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party so the Ron Paul Revolution has along with Tex-Wasabi’s have decided to throw a celebration for the leading advocate of freedom - Presidential Candidate Ron Paul.
Dr. Paul works for limited government, individual freedom and liberty, free market economics, balanced budgets, and sound monetary policies.
He has never voted to raise taxes and consistently voted against the PATRIOT ACT, Free Trade Agreements (NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO), regulating the Internet, the National ID Card, and any legislation that infringes on our individual rights and liberties.
A strong supporter of the Second Amendment, Ron Paul voted against the Iraq War but for going after Bin Laden. He believes in a strong national defense with no nation building. He is also opposed to corporate welfare and amnesty for illegal aliens.
Please join us as we celebrate the beginning of the American Revolution while showing our support for the “Champion of the Constitution,” Ron Paul.
I finally put up my Ron Paul for President sign the other day. I have had more than a handful of people walk by my house an tell me that they were planning on voting for him in the primary.
I am attending a canvasing meeting on Monday to learn how to spread the word about Dr. Paul. I have not been this energized by a Presidential candidate ever! My apathy has been turned upside down by Dr. Paul and I hope to inform others about this worthy candidate.
How is Tex-Wasabi’s? I love Guy Fieri on the Food Network . . .
And I do applaud your decision to find a candidate to support - even if not currently one of the frontrunners - who presents a more traditionally Republican point of view . . . Barry Goldwater would be proud of you :-)
Diane, don't confuse him with Goldwater!! He's on a roll!!
I don't really care for Guy Fieri on the Food Network. How did you know that he owned Tex-Wasabi's. Has he talked about it on his show before?
The food was okay, and the amount raised was over 600 dollars from food alone. There were over 100 people at the event.
Yesterday Ron Paul received over 6 million dollars in donations... that is insane!
Glad to hear you're excited about a candidate, Ryan. I will say I'm not that excited by anyone. What party is Ron Paul running under?
merry christmas, ryan!
Seems like Ron Paul is getting a lot of support. And I must say I commend him for his reversal on the death penalty. But, for me, he needs to clarify his stances on certain same-sex issues (gay marriage, gay adoption, gays in the military); since I currently feel he seems to stealthily try to avoid this subject by defaulting to state's rights. However, I haven't researched RP that much so perhaps he has clarified his positions. Even then, RP doesn't believe in a constitutional right to privacy, which I strongly feel is fundamental. In any case, I'm still glad to see how the internet and grass roots organizing has allowed RP and his supporters to challenge the GOP status quo. Both political parties need this type of challenge if real progress is to be made.
And, much more importantly, Happy Xmas Ryan! And have a Merry New Year!
Hope Santa was good to you, Ryan!
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