Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Will the Real Slim Snoopy Please Stand Up!

Here is a photo of the gathering of the Christmas Snoopys. The group could have been twice as big due to the fact that my Mom always buys two of the same Christmas stuffed animals, one for each of her children. She was and still is out of control!

This is our new Peanuts themed Christmas Tree skirt. It is really awesome.


LA said...

So, your love of Snoopy appears to be genetic.

My mom used to have a huge Christmas sled that she set up every year and filled with her Christmas teddy bears. Since she downsized from a house to a condo, she was forced to downsize her holiday decoration collection, and the sled now sits in pieces in a closet at my house.

Diane said...

Peanuts rock!

EditThis said...

I do love me some Snoopy!